Tag Archives: Märchen

A great new ending for Cinderella…

I received “Mechanica” by Betsy Cornwall as an ARC on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Here it is. Through the first half of this book, it lingered on three stars, because although the new setting for the Cinderella-Story was nice and interessting, but the writing was average. But(!) the second half and most […]

Ein Märchen am Ufer des Mississippi

Klett-Cotta aus Stuttgart war mal wieder auf Schatzsuche 🙂 Herausgekommen ist ein modernes Märchen an den Ufern des Mississippi. Der Räuberbräutigam von Eudora Welty Clement Musgrove, ein reicher Pflanzer begegnet einem Räuber-Hauptmann in Verkleidung. Danach beginnt ein Versteck- und Verwirrspiel mit dem Pflanzer, seiner wunderschönen Tochter, der habgierigen und eifersüchtigen Stiefmutter, dem Räuberhauptmann und dessen […]

The ugly duckling – a beautiful (gay) fairytale retelling with a leather touch

I loved this book when I read it first two years ago. Now I read the updated version again and I fell in love again. The characters are great, because although we only have a deeper inside in Ori and Raynard every character that appears seems so be well written and a background, awaiting to […]